It goes by many names but the one most commonly used is the comfort zone. In this Blog post we are going to take a few minutes to look inside ourselves and talk about our comfort zone.
but first, what is a comfort zone? Websters dictionary defines it as, the level at which one functions with ease and familiarity. its our safe place where we unwind and relax. where we do our self care and let go of all of our troubles. where we feel safe from anyone and anything.
it is important for us all to have one but its also important that we step outside of it, cross the boundaries, explore new ventures, seek the unknown. when we stay trapped inside our box, stuck in our everyday routines, week after week, month after month, everything becomes mundane. the earth looses its sparkle and wonder, everyday becomes so routine that you are no longer living your life but just surviving through it. it sounds harsh but its true. are we living our lives to its best and fullest? doing that involves leaving our box from time to time.
taking those steps can be scary sometimes but they don't have to be big. the small steps are just as important as the big ones. they both lead us to opening doors to new opportunities. even the ones we didn't know we needed.
so lets take a minute and look inside ourselves and our busy lives. what does that look like to you? is there an area somewhere in your busy routine that feels stagnant or stuck or boring? lets try to unstick the stuck and find fun in the boring. make life fun again. what do you need to step out of your box and change? are you tired of eating the same breakfast everyday but its just been that way for so long that you haven't changed it? we can use this thought in any part of our lives too. i always have found cleaning boring and mundane but i love to organize things so Ive found that listening to loud music and organizing while I'm cleaning makes it something i can enjoy.
we need to be asking ourselves why we do the things we do. is it because we enjoy it or is it out of habit? is it helping us grow or holding us back? are the things in your routine feeding your soul and keep you on your path to be the best you you can be? stepping outside of our box helps us to learn new things and those things get added to our box and we grow.
one of my biggest struggles is that i tend to be a hermit. i get too comfortable staying at home and it becomes a road block to me. it doesn't benefit me, my business or my friendships to stay locked up at home all the time so i try to change things up and step outside my box when i can. the more steps i take the easier it gets.
whats something that you can do that is outside of your box? i challenge you to to find something once a week that is stepping outside of the box and see what doors those steps open later on.
Jeannette bass